Friday 13 February 2015

Farmers cry foul over poor harvest

A Dry maize plantation near UCU. Photo by Geoffrey Ochwo
Farmers in Mukono district count loses in the new year due to prolonged drought. The farmers allege that the government has not given them any form of help, a claim the government denies. 

The farmers, the their umbrella body, Mukono District Farmers Association (MDFA) say that they will all gather and go the ministry of Disaster Preparedness for help.

Unlike other years, the beginning of 2015 has been tough to many farmers. Instead of coming to the farmers' rescue, the government has instead blamed the farmers for failure to take notice of the warning it (government) has been giving to the farmers. Hundred of farmers have been affected although there is no actual number of the farmers affected. 

The dry spells have not only affected the farmers, but also other community members who depend on the locally grown foods in the district. The members of the community are already struggling with to feed their families. They (community members) say that the food prices are already sore.

It is alleged by some farmers that people have started leaving the district to other parts of the country that have not been badly affected by the poor weather. However, local leaders deny this claim, saying that those who are leaving the district are either non residents or land grabbers, who are now  being forced out of the district. 

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